Letters And Sounds makin’ their rounds
It’s an awesome thing to see a toddler start to recognize letters and sounds.
Adults can watch and marvel at little kids as they begin to realize their own ability to make letters and sounds and understand the language all around them. They find their own voice, and it seems like they’re just as surprised about it as we are.
They get all goo-goo gah-gah over letters and sounds.
I think about how our English language has basically only twenty-six letters…and how we’ve managed to put together thousands and thousands of words from them, and I love the simplicity in the design. The extra cool thing is…we don’t have to do anything special to an infant to get them to understand us. We don’t have to install any extra hardware or software. They’re already “hard-wired” for language. Of course, this comes as no surprise to anyone with a Christian worldview. The Designer knows what He’s doing, and so all we have to do is what comes naturally.
I’ve been manipulating and formulating words and music for a long time. And I still find the whole process fascinating. I’ll never get tired of it or bored with it. What about you? Does language fascinate you? Are you passing that awe and wonder on to the little ones who are watching you?
Letters and sounds go together…
They go together and give you a voice.
You couldn’t say a word with no letters and sounds.
Just think about that and rejoice.
With a voice we can talk to each other,
And each other can know what we mean…
When we take time to learn a few letters and sounds
And toss a few smiles in between.
We only need twenty-six letters
Where imagination truly abounds.
It’s so awesome to know they’re inside you, and so
Have fun learning letters and sounds.
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