Why is there so much violence, destruction, and death in the world? And relatively so little joy and peace?
Well, I could tell you I know the reason why, but maybe you wouldn’t believe the answer could be so simple. Maybe you’d rather have a highly complicated solution to this complex mess we earthlings find ourselves having to endure. And maybe you wouldn’t even like my answer.
Do you realize how simple the answer has been to most of life’s seemingly unanswerable problems? Take the electric light for example. Maybe you’ve heard how many times Edison failed before he succeeded in getting a light bulb to work. Did you know the solution came down to finding what sort of tiny filament could last? Once he solved that problem, bingo! Electric light.
OK, Tony. So, what’s this simple answer you think you have for finding joy and peace in a world full of war and chaos?
Jesus = Joy and Peace.
Hey…remember…I told you it might not be the answer you’d like. And I told you it might not be one you’d believe. But simply refusing to believe the truth doesn’t make it wrong. And simply refusing to acknowledge a Creator God who came to earth to be one of us and take the punishment for our sins doesn’t make Him go away either.
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” and He also said “the Truth shall make you free“. Why do so many prefer darkness, despair, and going it alone?
If you’re lacking joy and peace in your life today…
If you’re feeling all alone in the world…
If you believe there’s no way out of your despair…
If you think your time on earth is the only time you’ll have…
If you’d like to know that you can know happiness…
…then test the Word of the Bible. It’s the #1 bestselling book of all time for a very good reason. It makes you FREE.
Maybe you don’t know me well enough to buy something from me, yet. Ok, then get to know more about me and my worldview. Join the growing body of believers who’ve signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And enjoy my daily flashes of light from the power of God’s love.
Stay tuned…
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