It all started with a dream. An idea. Just some invisible thoughts in my head. Then, I wrote the thoughts down and they became words that I put into this little white box where you could see them. And that’s when the magic happened
I took invisible thoughts out of my head and put them into yours.
And you didn’t feel a thing. It didn’t hurt. It wasn’t weird at all. Right?
But, then, even more magic happened. Your thoughts turned into pictures in your mind. You could see those pictures just by thinking about the words. And all that, my fumble-fingered friend, is how dreams are made.
So…no matter what you plan to do with your life…
No matter where you plan to go…
No matter how you plan to start and finish, remember to use the dreams in the invisible thoughts in your mind to thank God. Because He’s the one who makes sure that…
Dreamers Dream
Dream a little dream a lot
And dream away your frown.
Dream up stardust Christmas lights
To sparkle every town.
Dream at night and in the day
And never let dreams end…
Because they come from Jesus,
A dreamer’s truest friend. © 2014
And one more thing. Be sure your dreams don’t steal from others. There are lots of people who would like to come into your home and steal your dreams instead of working on their own.
And there are other people who wanna say…
“But it’s dreamers we’re talkin’ about.
We can’t just simply kick them out.”
And to that I say:
‘Les they sneaked in and then hid.
Huh, you say that’s what they did?
Why can’t they dream in their own land?
Why is it hard to understand?
When what’s not yours enters your scheme,
You steal from someone else’s dream.
So, YES, be the YOU that God made you to be and use your own invisible thoughts to dream and make great things happen. But don’t steal from others to make it happen. Deal? Deal!
By the way, I like to encourage people who follow Jesus with regular issues of my FunderFlash Journal. It comes directly to your inbox so you spend your valuable time reading instead of searching. And, to show my sincere appreciation for your time and attention, I’ll send you download links to 2 of my Christian books for kids and 2 songs, right away, that grownups AND kids can enjoy.
Stay tuned,