Celebrating International Women’s Day
I’ve been a staunch supporter of the rights of women my entire adult life. No, I’m not a so-called “activist”. That just sounds silly to me. Because if you need to set aside one day and give it a title like International Women’s Day, you’re missing the big picture.
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International Women’s Day doesn’t give proper respect to women.
I get it. Draw attention to one day out of the year. And make sure everyone around the world knows about it. (like that’ll happen) Then, everyone stand up, shout, cheer, and pat each other on the back. Lots of hugs, speeches, and media opps. When you accomplish all that, men the world over will clearly understand the equal value of women.
Or not.
As it turns out, International Women’s Day began in 1911. That’s 109 years ago, as I write this, for those of you who’d rather not do the calculation. So, that means, it has basically been “celebrated” 109 days as of today. And here’s why I say that’s so fruitless.
Because 109 days is less than one third of one year.
“But why is that a big deal, Tony?”
Because it’s a much better idea to recognize and remember the value and importance of women every day. Not one day out of each year. But every day. Out of every year. That would have been almost 40,000 times in the last 109 years. Big difference.
And I have an even better idea.
Unless you prefer to be (or remain) sexist, when it comes to value and importance.
If you don’t already know how, learn to love your neighbor as yourself. Forget about whether that neighbor is a man or a woman. Don’t look for an opportunity to politicize or grandstand. Simply love your neighbor as yourself. And you know YOU have value and importance. Right? If you don’t believe that, why do you continue to feed and water yourself? etc. etc. etc.
Whether you believe it or not, your Creator knows when you truly love your neighbor. He sees when you beat them. Or steal from them. Or even murder them. Your heart of hearts is visible to the King of kings. Like the words to one of my songs says…
We will learn from His whole Word
And rightly divide it…
All in the name of our LORD.
We will fight against sin
Though the world wants to hide it
All in the name of our LORD.
We will love every neighbor
From the kings to the unborn…
All in the name of our LORD.
And we will rest in the knowledge
When we die, we are reborn…
All in the name of our LORD.
© 2010 Tony Funderburk
Stay tuned,
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