Whoa! The strawberry alarm clock just went off. And it’s a good thing, too. Because now the song “Incense and Peppermints” is wafting through the air. Psychedelic, man. We gotta get outta this place. If it’s the last thing we ever do. Hey, I just inserted the words “ignorance and selfishness” in the song. And I gotta say, I don’t hate it.
I’m glad I don’t hate it. Because I’d much rather talk about peace, love, and joy.
So, enjoy some incense and peppermints while I elucidate, illustrate, and annotate.
First, here’s the positive part of the news. God’s love is greater than all the hatred of the world. His love overcomes and endures forever. His love made a way for you to live forever, too. Now that’s awesome news!
Second, unfortunately the world is so full of hatred that most people could’t care less about God’s love.
From abortion to euthanasia to outright unbridled murder, there’s a bloodlust in this world that is unsustainable. Thankfully, God’s love will eventually put that to an end.
But, let’s say you don’t believe in God. And since you don’t believe in Him you certainly don’t trust Him. In that case, you’ve got some research to do. Because there’s an almost infinite amount of evidence that He’s real. And there’s a ton of evidence that He’s willing to love even YOU.
For example, you have your own will.
So, God didn’t make you one of His robots who can do nothing except His bidding. This is an important point for you to understand. Because it means you get to choose whether or not you want to live with God forever. And that’s why I said you’ve got some research to do. By the way, I recommend you don’t put that research off too long. It’s a limited time offer, so to speak.
He loves you and wants to show you eternal paradise. But He won’t force you there if you don’t want to go. And in spite of what some people might tell you, your fate wasn’t sealed before you were born.
I encourage you to at least consider the options I talk about. And I’ve talked about those options, in one way or another, thousands of times. And that’s just here on the website. I’ve talked about ’em way more times out there in the real world.
So get yourself some incense and peppermints and relax.
But then, choose life before the dark and dreary hatred of the world chews you up and spits you into hell.
Yes, Give me words…give me courage…
Give me time and a powerful voice.
And when many still may hate me,
Give me Your love and I’ll always rejoice.
(lyrics from my song: Give Me The Whole Jesus)
© 2010
When you’ve had enough incense and peppermints, jump on the The FunderFlash. Because you’ll get my really refreshing rhymes and reasons delivered right to your inbox. Far out, man!
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