In Your Face…Not In Your Ears
I remember a day when music was purely for your listening enjoyment and entertainment. Now…so much of it is designed and marketed to be in your face…and shouldn’t be in your ears.
Don’t misunderstand me. I enjoy a good music video as much as the next person. But I want the video to be about the music or enhance the music or help the music tell a colorful story with images.
I don’t want the video to be about who can take off the most clothes. I don’t want a music video to show me how much profanity the “artist” knows. I don’t want a music video where the images are so in your face that the music doesn’t fit in your ears.
OK…I realize that makes me “old fashioned”. I’m fine with that if it means the music is more important than who’s hookin’ up with who and what band or singer is willing to push the moral envelope. C’mon, really? There’s nothing new under the sun, so you can’t come up with something really shocking that’s “never been done before”. Sad, but true.
I also realize I’m not music video genius. I’ve never made such a claim, nor will I ever. I’m just sayin’ that art (and music is art) isn’t merely in the eyes (and ears) of the beholder. Taste is…art isn’t. And slamming a bunch of curse words, scantily clad girls, and guys grabbing their inseams in your face won’t ever make it so.
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