Have you ever thought about what you might find in the color of water?
Here’s a tip for you…pure water doesn’t have any color. It’s clear. So, it was sort of a trick question I guess, but I still meant it. There are plenty of ways you might see color in water. Of course, there are the obvious ways…like putting food coloring in it. Or adding paint to it. But there are some other ways you might seem to see color in water.
For example, when you shine through water in a glass, it sometimes makes a prism on the wall. And when you look at the prism through the glass, it looks bigger and even more colorful. But that’s just bent light. It’s still not real color in the water.
Good, clean water has no color.
and no flavor. You can’t really taste water. So, imagine something you need so much…and yet you can’t taste it, smell it, or find any color in it. Are you imagining? Well, keep imagining, and take this little journey…
In the color of water that is pure
Is a quenching, magnetic allure.
See, there’s really no color found at all
Until we see a place it can fall.
Water colors can be found only if
There’s a rainstorm or maybe a cliff…
Or when light shines through water in a glass…
Or it’s heated and it turns to gas.
In the color of water you can find
Exploration to sharpen your mind.
Many people might simply pass it by
Without it ever catching their eye.
When you wake up and anytime you play,
Take a cool drink of water today,
And the good health of your life will shine through
In the color of water in you.
Thanks, and
Stay tuned,
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