I saw an article that said “imagination is everything.” That’s so wrong. And it sends a deceptive message. Especially to little kids. And even to teens for that matter.
To say imagination is everything is like claiming it as your god.
“Oh now, c’mon Tony. Really? You really believe that?”
Yeah. I do.
I can’t say your kid’s life will be completely better because of music. And I can’t say your kid won’t have troubles in this life if he only listens to music.
But I am sayin’ your kid will have access to the ultimate imagination machine when he or she is exposed to a good variety of true, melodic music.
Not just beats…
Not just lots of rhyming words…
And not just loud noise.
But real, true, melodic music.
When kids actually sing along to a melody with some catchy lyrics, their minds can develop word pictures. And that’s when the connection between music and imagination really kicks into overdrive. It’s like reading a good book. But it sticks in their heads much better because music is attached. That’s because their brains are the hard wired for creative stuff.
But brains are also hard wired for things like math, logic, and science. And that’s where your ability to calculate, estimate, and triangulate come in handy. Some imagination is good, too. But it has to be tempered with reality. Because math doesn’t lie. And facts are facts.
So, why talk about imagination if life is based on facts?
Because it’s good to imagine all the wondrous possibilities God has made available for us to discover and uncover. But you and I live in a real world. Not Disneyland. In spite of how many times you’ll hear “you can do anything” or “if you can dream it, you can do it,” those statements just aren’t true.
So, imagine wondrous possibilities. And then, figure out what’s actually do-able.
You have physical limitations. Everybody does. You’re subject to the laws of physics. Everybody is. And you’re a temporary fixture here on Earth. So is everybody else. Unless…
Unless you give up all the imaginary gods and put your faith in the one, true, living, loving Creator of Heaven and Earth. I urge you to do that. Because, just imagine living forever.
I don’t believe
In magic…hocus pocus.
I do believe
My treasure’s where I focus.
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Or how about some music for kids