Ideas Have Consequences –
For example, the idea of holiness
This quote, that appears by most references to have some from Mark Twain, just popped up on my radar again this week: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
And today I’m gonna share how some well-meaning (I hope) Christians have done that with the idea of holiness. It’s important to know that ideas have consequences, and those consequences, from a Christian perspective, can actually repel non-believers. So, it’s pretty important to be more in line with what God actually says rather than what it FEELS like He says.
Somebody I enjoy listening to…and whose writings are nice to read, got some highly important information wrong. If you’re a Christian, you might have heard of Max Lucado. You couldn’t ask for a more pleasant speaking voice. And I’m certain Max is genuinely concerned with the well-being of every human being he personally meets. However…
He came up with a list of seven holy things…
“That just ain’t so.”
Sorry Max, but your list of seven things God considers holy is based on feelings…not what God actually says. To begin with, sacredness and holiness are not exactly synonymous. Close…but no cigar. Something can be sacred without being holy. But what is truly holy is always sacred. OK, here’s the seven things Max says God says are holy.
- You
- Human life
- Marriage
- Sex
- The Sabbath
- The tithe
- The name of God
I’ll agree with 1 out of 7. Number 7. Yes, the name of God is holy because God is holy. But you are not holy. Human life is not holy (stick with me…don’t get too excited yet) Marriage is not holy. Sex and the Sabbath are not holy. And the worst of the bunch is “the tithe”. Oh my goodness, is that ever NOT holy. Now, let me elaborate.
I’m not telling you this because I simply have a difference of opinion, or because I have doctrinal differences with Max Lucado. Obviously I do, but I believe those could be easily worked out with some heart to heart discussions. Maybe.
No, I’m telling you this because ideas have consequences. AND…because God tells us what or who is holy. Right in His word. No punches pulled. And no if’s, and’s, or but’s. But I’ll get to that shortly.
Yes, ideas have consequences
When you tell people they’re holy…and God Himself doesn’t say that, you risk creating a general sense of complacency among believers and non-believers alike. After all, if you and I are holy, why did Jesus have to die for us? And if you’re telling believers they’re holy…and non-believers hear you, they’ll feel like it applies to them as well. No, you are not holy. And I’ll prove it shortly.
Human life isn’t holy. If so, what makes it unholy? Sin? How could that be. Holiness, according to people who talk about holiness on a regular basis is immutable. And since you have human life from the moment you’re conceived until the day you die, how could so many (as the Bible says…most) people end up going to hell? No, life is a precious gift from God, but human life is not holy. I’ll prove it shortly.
Marriage is not holy. Max used the term “holy matrimony” to help illustrate his point. First, that term isn’t found in the Bible. And second…again, if it was, holy how could so many marriages end in divorce. What’s holy about that? Holiness doesn’t depend on how we feel about it. It’s immutable. Remember? No, marriage isn’t holy. I’ll prove that shortly.
Hmm…sex and the Sabbath…
I’m lumping them together because they both start with “S”. And neither one is holy. Sex is sanctified for monogamous marriage. However, sanctification is not the same thing as holiness. Keeping the Sabbath holy was a command for Israel as part of The Law brought down from Mount Sinai by Moses. But when you read in Paul’s letter to the Romans, you’ll discover him saying “One man esteems one day above another…another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.” No, the Sabbath is not holy. I’ll prove that shortly.
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is not to say the tithe is holy. Max Lucado uses a verse from Leviticus to explain the holiness of the tithe. Leviticus is once again God laying down the law with Israel. In His infinite wisdom, God chose to lay out both criminal laws and symbolic laws…because He knows, better than all of us put together, how ideas have consequences. So do laws. God doesn’t care about ten percent of your money. He wants your whole heart. There’s not a balance sheet in Heaven with a tally of who gave ten percent (or more). Or who tithed on their gross income versus who tithed on their net. Yeesh. This notion is so fraught with damaging consequences, and I’ve witnessed some of them. I won’t go deeper now, but suffice it to say, the tithe is not holy. I’ll prove it shortly.
Now…the proof I hope you’ve been waiting for…
Number 7 on the list of things Max says that God says are holy…God. Yes, God is holy. God’s holiness is immutable even though He isn’t. The one true living, loving God of creation has changed His mind, changed outcomes to many situations, changed the course of nations and kings, and even changed form from Spirit only to human flesh. And never in all the changes He has ever made or ever will make has He or will He ever be anything less than holy. And the proof that only He is holy comes from His word…given to the Apostle John by divine Revelation. So, don’t take my word for it. Read what God Himself says:
“Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy.”
It’s a great idea to read what the Bible asking God to let His true word come into you…not just what you feel like His word says, but what it actually says…because these ideas have eternal consequences for billions of people.
And who are you to judge?
Your eyes can clearly see
That you’re no holier
Than him or her or me.
So should you shut your mouth
And skip the words of Paul?
Did he misunderstand
The Lord’s enduring call?
(excerpt from my song, “A Thousand Times No”)
Stay tuned,
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