Sure, it sounds harsh to say out loud. But God is not all about forgiveness. So, if you’re a Christian who says that, stop. Because you give unbelievers a false sense of security. And you parrot the hypocritical words of the world system of “judge not” theology. If you truly wanna show the hope of God’s love that’s inside you, then show the world how God loves, forgives, AND judges.
Those hypocritical words also demonstrate a weak god.
And the God, who only had to speak words and all the universe exploded into existence, is the antithesis of weakness. Yes, He forgives. But not everybody. In fact, most people, who ever lived, will not be forgiven. And for one simple reason. They didn’t ask for forgiveness.
And the unbelieving world constantly hears the milquetoast message that God is love, God is all about forgiveness. But they don’t hear that God judges the world. And they don’t hear how He finds the world lacking. And they don’t hear how He’ll one day destroy Earth. He’ll burn it up. Because it’s broken by our sin.
No, the world doesn’t hear that. At least not from most Christians.
So, the world doesn’t hear the message of how “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” And, as a result, they don’t understand that phrase. It sounds just plain mean.
I’m not saying you gotta go ’round constantly preaching fire and brimstone. Far from it. But not so far from it that no one understands the reality of fire and brimstone. If you love your fellow human beings, you’ll tell them God truly does exist. And that He loves those who love Him. AND that He’ll harshly judge those who don’t.
It’s even OK to pray for the destruction of those who don’t love God.
“What did this guy just say?!”
Yeah, it’s true. Or let’s put it this way. If it’s not OK to pray for the destruction of the enemies of God, then somebody needs to remove a bunch of David’s Psalms from the Bible.
Kind of odd, though, how David seemed so awesome, but he sang such mean songs.
Oh well. What are you gonna do?
I guess just blot out those passages in the Bible and get out there and forgive everybody. Or…
Let their way be dark and slippery,
All the ones who’d dare do harm to me.
And let God judge them righteously,
Destroying those too blind to see.
Stay tuned,
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