Did you know you’re not supposed to forgive everybody? It’s true. And it’s even in the Bible…that’s how I know it’s true. The only one who has the brain power to offer forgiveness to everybody is God. And as you already discovered, if you’ve been paying attention to my stories, you and I are not God. Here’s a secret, that’s not a secret. Even God doesn’t forgive everybody. Uh-oh! Does that sound right? Well, it’s true. He makes sure forgiveness is there for anyone who wants it. But here’s the key…you have to ask for it. Anyone who asks God for forgiveness can get it from Him. Now you know how to forgive and be happier. Right? Wanna know more?
Keep reading to understand how to forgive.
There’s a place in the Bible where it says you need to “be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another“. It sorta sounds like you’re just supposed to do it…no questions asked. Right? But it’s important to read the very next 7 words. They say, “even AS God in Christ forgave you“. So you’re supposed to forgive others the way God forgave you. Do you remember what you had to do for God to forgive you? Yep, that’s right. You had to ASK.
So, if somebody does something wrong to you, it’s a good idea to tell them. Let them know what they did that hurt you. Maybe they didn’t even realize they had done it. That’s why it’s good to go right to them and tell them. Then, you know what they should do? They should ask you to forgive them. And if they ask, you should forgive them. That’s how God, through Jesus, forgives you. Isn’t that cool? When we do things God’s way, they can work so much better. When we choose to do things our own way, we can get mean, bitter, mad, and downright evil. Not cool. Wouldn’t you rather be happier instead of meaner? Yeah, me too.
How about it? Do you think you could learn how to forgive someone today…the way God forgave you? Try it out and I think you’ll see how it’s a better way to forgive. When you do, let me know.
And here’s my rhyme to help you remember…
Learn how to forgive and be happy
Knowing it’s what God wants you to do.
Don’t go through your life being snappy
At the ones who love and cherish you.
Learn how to forgive and be happy.
It’s a way to make the good Lord smile.
Share this good idea with everybody.
Forgiving is what makes this life worthwhile.
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