Most of the time, when someone calls you a copycat, they don’t mean it to be a good thing. They mean you’re not being original. They’re saying you copied someone else because you couldn’t come up with your own idea. Has that ever happened to you? Or have you ever called someone else a copycat when you wanted to make fun? Well, it’s usually a mean thing, but I’m gonna show you how you can be a copycat and it’s a very good thing. All you gotta do is…
Copy God.
You might wonder how you can copy God. Especially since another time I wrote to you I told you no one has seen God. But here’s the secret. Are you ready for this? Shh…don’t tell anyone else, but the way to copy God…is to…copy Jesus.
Yep, when you read the Bible, and copy the way Jesus was, and be like Him, you’re being the best kind of copycat. That’s because you’re copying the only perfect person who ever lived on the earth. You can’t get or do better than that. Why should you copy Jesus if you want to copy God? I’m glad you asked. Simple. Jesus IS God.
Now, a lot of people in the world don’t believe that.
But that doesn’t mean it’s not true. And some other time I’ll show you ways you can know it’s true. But for now, look up the places in the Bible where Jesus talks to people. See the things He did and said. You’ll find out how much He loved us. More than we can even imagine!
When you say and do things like Jesus, you’ll be a copycat. But you’ll be copying the one person with the most love the world has ever known or ever will know. So, I hope you’ll start today. Try to do one thing like Jesus. When you do, write me and tell me what a copycat you were. And I’ll show you how God likes that.
Stay tuned,
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