How the wind blows and how a baby grows:
a common answer
If you’re a scientist, or even a layman with a curiosity for how things work, you should be in awe of the complexity found in a single, living cell. I’m not talking about merely being curious. I’m talking about being awestruck. Literally! If you don’t understand how all the parts of the bacterial flagellum have to be in place in order for a living cell to live and reproduce…then you risk coming up with wild explanations of how the wind blows or a baby grows. You might even postulate theories like it all happened by random chance. I’m not kidding. Real adults have already done this. Why?
It’s easier for most people to follow an evolutionary worldview because it helps them avoid having to answer to a higher authority than “self”. I understand it can be scary to think there might be a God who can “send you to hell” for doing bad things. And I understand how it’s more enticing to believe you’re the ultimate master of your own fate. You’re in charge. You da man! Or woman. But…
…our whole planet, solar system, and universe speak out against you being some happy accident.
If you fall for a silly notion like evolution or natural selection, you’re liable to say irresponsible things like “no threat poses a greater risk to our future generations than climate change”. Yes, it’s irresponsible to scare little kids into thinking we’re all gonna burn up…or drown…or that cities and even states could submerge into the ocean.
It’s big talk from small minds.
That kind of reckless disregard for truth and human emotion is just one of many reasons why you should trust the one true, living, loving God of creation. Here’s what He says about our planet: “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”Those words deliver hope…not despair. They deliver confidence…not doubt. They deliver truth…not self-serving lies.
Yep, the complexity of our planet, solar system, and universe clearly illustrates an even more complex designer. But you don’t have to explore the far reaches of the universe…you can simply use a microscope and look inside a single cell. God wrote an irreducibly complex code into each and every cell of your body. And that’s how a baby grows inside the mother’s womb. It’s how the wind blows across the whole surface of the earth. And God designed it all for you and me just because it pleased Him to do so.
Just how the wind blows and a baby grows
Is a matter of God’s beautiful design…
He wrote the whole code, and, from Him, life flowed.
You can trust the master writer’s storyline.
Stay tuned,
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