I have hope within. But not for cliché things like “world peace” or “random acts of kindness” or how we can all “coexist.” No, my hope is for the Creator God of the universe to one day return to earth and put an end to our human selfishness. And this hope flows to and from my soul and spirit because of the Truth.
And too many people are without that hope within.
If there is no absolute Truth you can depend on, then any hope you muster is likely to fade at the first sign of trouble. Sure, you might feel empowered by a mantra or meditation or mentor. But without the strength of absolute Truth, it’s basically just an opinion. And you know what they say about those.
I know, in this day and age, most people don’t like to hear something so bold as “absolute Truth.”
But that phrase shouldn’t make anybody uncomfortable or irritable. Because it should help you to know there just might be something out there you can depend on. And rely on and trust, no matter what this world dishes out.
And the Word of God is that Truth. By the way, the Word and the Truth are two “nicknames” for Jesus.
So, it only makes sense to say Jesus is the reason for the hope within me. I know I don’t win any “cool” points in this world anymore for saying that. But I have the big picture in mind. Eternity. The picture doesn’t get any bigger than that. If there’s a possible eternal life waiting for me, and there IS, I want it. Jesus died a horrible death (and rose from the dead) to show me it’s there. So, I want it.
I will never lose the reason for the hope within me because I’m bought and paid for. I am God’s and He is mine. I’m absolutely certain eternal life in Heaven with Him awaits me.
I want that. Do you?
Same thing…throughout the ages…
Same words out of different lips.
False hopes…on empty pages…
Crash course with a truth eclipse.
Maybe you don’t know me well enough to buy something from me, yet. Ok, then get to know more about me and my worldview. Join the growing body of believers who’ve signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And enjoy my daily flashes of light from the power of God’s love.
Stay tuned…