Do you hope inside your heart that there’ll be better times ahead? And maybe, despite that hope you still have a foreboding sense of dread. I’d say those are both legitimate perspectives. And I’d also say you could legitimately feel both ways at the same time.
Because hope inside doesn’t manifest destiny.
Yeah, the reality is you’re still a human being. So you (and I) can’t create or manifest any kind of destiny with just the power of hope inside. Sounds interesting if you’re writing a comic book. But in real life? Not so much.
And that’s why I’ve always found it interesting to see and hear almost all political slogans, speeches, and sound bytes based on sentiment. Actions always trump (sorry, couldn’t help myself) feelings. And the actions politicians take rarely live up to the feelings they conveyed as candidates.
But when no one’s feet are “held to the fire,” what would ever motivate them to change?
So, here we are again. One week before America finds out if, as Kamala says, “we’re not going back” or if, as Donald says, we’ll “make America great again.”
I predict that if Harris is elected, we WILL go back. To more of the same destructive policies the current administration endorses. The policies that WILL lead to the final nail in the coffin for America. And I predict that if Trump is elected, America will still NOT be great again. Because his definition of greatness is based on pocketbooks. Not principles.
And just to be clear, I hope, inside and out, that I’m wrong either way.
So, that’s my political prognostication for now. But keep in mind, I’m no prophet. Just a guy with predictions based on God’s word about human nature. So, if I’m wrong, keep your stones to yourself.
Is there a day you go back to when you think of better times?
Or do you think that day is somewhere up ahead?
But either way it’s a day when all your cares will melt away,
And then your life will be fulfilling dreams instead.
Well, let me say, I’m for living with that hope inside your heart.
I do believe in looking for a better way.
But cares won’t go until you know your Creator loves you so.
That’s how the better times you need begin today. © 2020
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