“Who is creating the conditions for people to find hope and possibility?” That was a question Seth Godin posed to the person who interviewed him for her podcast audience. The two of them were talking about AI (for those of you who’ve been living in an underground bunker, that stands for artificial intelligence). And he mentioned how it can replace mediocre tasks and people.
Then, he said that for people who can provide conditions for hope and possibilities, “there’s an unlimited market for that.”
So, knowing that, do you enjoy the benefit of hope and possibility in your life?
And, if not, where do you think you’ll be able to find it? For that matter, what would give you the feeling of hope and possibility? I think it’s very important. Because I see a lot of unhappy and angry people in America. In real time, on the streets. And on every social media channel I visit.
Plus, there’s no shortage of YouTube videos where people seem to be out of their minds with rage. Or drugs. And they fill the air with foul language, vulgar expressions, and indecent exposure. They sound the way I imagine demons sound.
So, the world gets darker and darker. But, unlike Seth, I don’t believe anyone (not even me and my daily flashes of light) can directly provide conditions for hope and possibility.
Indirectly it’s do-able. Because you and I can share the power of God’s love. The power, and light, that will eventually even replace the sun for anyone who dares to love the one who created us all.
It’ll also be like this. Close your eyes. OK, Just imagine a pure river of water of life. Clear as crystal. Now imagine a tree so full of life that it bears twelve fruits every month. And even the leaves can heal nations. Can you see it? Wouldn’t it be great to live somewhere like that forever?
Well, that’ll be Heaven. And my biggest hope is for the possibility of seeing you there. I believe I can give you a better glimpse of Heaven than AI can. But you gotta go to the source for the best view. So…
I hope you hope for bigger hope,
The kind where Jesus lives.
Just ask Him for His love and grace.
I promise you…He gives.
Stay tuned,