Having The Same Love
Are we Christians having the same love? Are we “being of one accord, of one mind“?
I have to say I don’t see it. I look around and see Christians in confusion and discord. The Apostle Paul, who suffered time and time again for his faith in Jesus, mentioned in Philippians 2 that it would bring him consolation, comfort, and joy if he could see the Christians of that time having the same love.
There’s a key ingredient that works against Christian fellowship, love, and a sense of like-mindedness. In fact, this ingredient makes these things virtually impossible. And what I’m talking about is selfishness. Paul admonishes us to “let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit”. That’s contrary to the ways of the world that say “if it feels good…if it feels right to you…do it”.
If you’re going to aspire to be anything at all like Jesus, who should be the tip-top example of selfless Christian love, you should treasure others better than yourself. Remember, Jesus said “There is no greater love than this”that a man be willing to lay down his life for his friends”. It wasn’t some pleasant-sounding platitude (like many other so-called spiritual leaders) to Him. He put it into action by taking on the punishment that all of us should have to endure. He never committed a crime or a sin, yet He was given the death penalty…after being found innocent.
Jesus was looking out for our best interests. He knew that an eternal life in paradise was a far superior option to eternal death and dying. So, He made a way for that to happen. And it became the ultimate free gift of Grace for anyone who wants it.
What about you? Is there someone you could be holding in higher regard? Is there someone you could be showing more love to with your words and deeds? Would it help to know that we’re all having the same love given to us…from a God who asks us to pass it on?
It sure helps me. And that’s why I’m committed to sharing my words of Christian love with you…I think the Word and love of God is in your best interests.
In Christian Love”
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