Good without God is a philosophical impossibility.
If God does not exist, then good and evil and right and wrong are merely concepts within the minds of individuals. Or at best, a consensus arrived at by process. And if and when “the people” discover they can vote on right and wrong, history shows, over and over, they rarely vote wisely. (can you say Hitler?) No, there has to be a universal standard of right and wrong and good and evil or else it all becomes a matter of opinion and “feelings”. There is no good without God because only His standard clearly illustrates the consequences of a world left to its own interpretations.
I read an article this morning, on my iPhone news app, that appeared in The Guardian. It was a story out of Lincoln, Nebraska of all places, about a secular humanist group that moved in on what was traditionally a nativity scene in the halls of the state capitol there. You can check out my link to the story to read the whole thing for yourself, but I was struck by how unoriginal and un-creative the group is. They want the so-called “separation of church and state” agenda to trump all other views, and they believe they can achieve this by using (and bastardizing) Christian symbols. For example…
…they set up a “large pine ‘reason tree’…decked with messages promoting free opinion and scientific and philosophical thought“. They also set up “a seasonal scene of a snowy model village and the happy humanist“. Of course, this is to mock and trivialize Christmas trees and traditional Christmas scenes. One man, Tom Gray, who recently retired as a lieutenant colonel after 23 years in the US army, and who is also a secular humanist, said, “There are a lot of religions that discourage the free exchange of ideas“. Ironically, our right to free speech, here in America, was paid for by Christians who knew our rights come from God…not government. And Christianity encourages a free exchange of ideas. See how far you get with your exchange of ideas in communistic countries. Or Islamic countries. Or other places in the world where the one, true, living, loving God of Creation is shoved out.
They say they’re all for a “spirit of open-mindedness”…yet Chris Clements of Lincoln Atheists told the Guardian. “Our message is that it’s a secular government and religion has to stay separate from that.” Did you get that? When you say something “has to stay separate”, how open-minded is that? He also said, “And it’s meant to communicate that atheists are not bad people ““ we can be good without God.”
I agree that atheists CAN be good without God. However, when they are, it’s totally by random chance because without God’s standard, how can they ever truly know when they’re being good? If everything is good, then nothing is good. If everything is right, then nothing is. But hey…that’s just my opinion. Can you accept it in a spirit of open-mindedness? Or would you rather I just “stay separate”?
Stay tuned,
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