You know why you should read or work on math problems or paint or draw or write? Because it’s good for the brain.
Yep, that muscle inside your skull needs exercise like all the other muscles in your body. But you don’t have to lift weights or run a race to exercise your brain…although those things are healthy for it too. Really all you need to do to exercise your thinking tool is use it. Challenge it to think more thoughts about more things. Teach your brain more words, and more answers to problems, and how to focus on ideas.
While you’re doing all this, be sure to breathe deeply. The more oxygen your brain gets the better it can think and do all the work it needs to do. So feed and water your brain today. It’s gonna be busy.
Good For The Brain
Why should we care about the wheels on a train
Or the wings on a plane
Or the links in a chain?
What in the world would we ever have to gain?
That’s easy…it’s good for the brain.
Why should we think about the cars in the lane
Or the ankle we sprain
Or the clouds and the rain?
Listen up now ’cause I’m trying to explain…
I told you…it’s good for the brain.
Why should we look for the sugar in the cane
Or the chicken chow mein
Or the blood in the vein?
Why should we see what the data might contain?
It’s simple…it’s good for the brain.
Why should we try to ease somebody’s pain
Or clean up a stain
Or sing a refrain?
What could we ever really hope to obtain?
Just do it…it’s good for the brain.
Stay tuned,
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