Global warming sure beats freezing to death
If you pay attention to what scientists say, instead of politicians and activists, you’ll discover that global warming is pseudoscience. And I’m not talking about scientists who do government sponsored experiments on lab rats, monkeys, and bacteria. Nothing against them, but I’m talking about physicists and astronomers and biologists. As an example, watch this video of Professor Ivar Giaever, the 1973 Nobel Prizewinner for Physics, tear down the global warming “religion”.
Did you catch the part where Professor Giaever mentioned how water is much more a heat conductor than CO2? And what covers 70% of planet earth? Some sort of liquid isn’t it? Oh yeah…water!
Global warming has only increased by .8 degrees in over one hundred years.
And as the good professor pointed out, that shows an amazingly stable worldwide environment we inhabit. As a Christian (yes, that’s a religion) I also understand and trust God when he says “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”
That’s just one more example, in a book of thousands of examples, of God’s love and promises for us. Humans can do, and have done, amazing things. But we’ll never be able to destroy planet earth. God will take care of creating a new heaven and a new earth when He’s through with this one. If you’re not a Christian, it might sound like a fairy tale. I get that. But if you ARE a Christian, His words should bring you comfort and wisdom. The wisdom to latch onto the Truth in the Bible and be able to see pseudoscience for what it is. Rebellion against God. Too bad, because that leads to another kind of “warming” that’s much worse than global.
Stay tuned,
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