Another painful day of anxiety. And the effects, of it, range from silent crying to freaked-out scenes in public places to even assaults. Day after painful day after day. Oh, maybe I should clarify. I’m not talkin’ about me. Good … Read the rest
I read a clip from an article about Billy Joel talking about his song, “Only The Good Die Young.” And it showed how your perspective can change as you get older. But, for way too many, even the new perspective … Read the rest
I write, with sincere care, about how much I want you to live in paradise forever. Because your Creator wants me to do that because HE wants you there. But my daily flashes of light from the power of God’s … Read the rest
I gotta share this story I just saw again today. Maybe you’ve seen some version of it. But it’s about what happened when a young cashier told an older woman “you should bring your grocery bags next time. Because plastic … Read the rest
Wild animals and other creatures breathe. But the breath of the wild things isn’t the same as the breath that goes in and out of you and me. And by “breath of the wild things” I don’t mean plain ol’ … Read the rest
Over ten years ago I wrote about what it takes to be a healthy, happy human. And I said, “First, you have to be a human. Next, you need to be healthy and happy.” Sounds sensible enough. Right? And I … Read the rest
Wow. August the first. And this month started out the same way July ended. HOT! Blazing, triple digits hot. A/C running almost continuously all day hot. And did I mention it was hot? I just looked at my weather app. … Read the rest
Generally speaking, I’m not an AI guy. But I AM a tech enthusiast. Always have been. So, I like to see what new technology can do. And I like to see if it’ll help or hinder. OK, that’s a summary … Read the rest
I remember watching certain kinds of sci-fi movies, way back in decades past, that showed unbelievable scenarios for the future. But here we are, IN that future, and some of those things actually came true. One thing, in particular, is … Read the rest
There’s a scene in an episode of one of those old western TV shows where some “concerned citizens” are talking to a father who doesn’t send his son to school. And the citizens tell the dad that, of course, he’s … Read the rest