Nope. It’s not fair that the days of your life aren’t perfect. Because what did YOU ever do (or not do) to deserve this mess the world is in? Right? But even though it’s not fair, here you are. Living … Read the rest
As the “hallowed evening” fast approaches, I see souls scatter like startled roaches. Some parts of it are kinda funny. But most are like the “love of money.” Yeah, Halloween (Neewollah, as its known in Independence, Kansas) sure brings out … Read the rest
As the poet (or some sort of writer or philosopher) said, “time waits for no man.” The seconds tick in the rhythm of your heart. And your heart beats out the minutes and hours of your days. Then, the days … Read the rest
Do you hope inside your heart that there’ll be better times ahead? And maybe, despite that hope you still have a foreboding sense of dread. I’d say those are both legitimate perspectives. And I’d also say you could legitimately feel … Read the rest
Your government’s budget (and every other part) is NOT operating on or in a just and wise system. And if you ran your household like politicians run this country, you’d be a dead duck already. Dead duck. That’s kind of … Read the rest
Love when you can, cry when you have to. Be who you must, that’s a part of the plan. Await your arrival with simple survival. And one day we’ll all understand. One day we’ll all understand. Those are lyrics from … Read the rest
Miss El and I are certainly a couple of cornballs. Because we truly enjoy watching TV shows that started even before we were born. And that’s a long time ago. One of the shows we’ve been watching, on YouTube recently, … Read the rest
Ocean waves and temperatures and levels are the key to your survival. Yeah, if they change, you might be doomed. Doomed I tell you!! And you thought ocean waves were just for surfing. You silly ninny. Have you ignored all … Read the rest
There are obese Americans everywhere. All around in just about every situation. Miss El and I have noticed this epidemic especially in the heart of the heartland. And it’s an avoidable travesty. But it appears that obese Americans everywhere just … Read the rest
I crunched my thumb in the door of our van this morning. And that’s how my day started. But my day is blessed. And I can always say my day is blessed. No matter what happens. And no matter how … Read the rest