For three years I led the praise and worship music in a church in the Denver, Colorado metro area. And the services were held, every Sunday, in the gym of a Christian school. Elgielene and I got to know the … Read the rest
Elias was a carpenter, a building contractor, and a farmer. He moved his family to Kansas City, Missouri way back in the early 1900’s, and gave up the farming part. In Kansas City he bought a paper route and got … Read the rest
Truth sets you free. It just does. It can also get you in a world of hurt. And even tossed into prison. Yes, even in this day and age. And even right here in the good ol’ U S of … Read the rest
It’s a milestone birthday. And it’s big enough that no one would ever accuse me of being young again. Not that they have for a long time. But it’s a certainty now. But even an “old” milestone birthday is a … Read the rest
As I write this, it’s officially the first day of December. The first day of the last month. And I gotta say, so far so good. I hope it’s off on a high step for you. If you’re not sure … Read the rest
Business owners can’t be coasters. At least not if you wanna have any kind of shot at success. Because the only way to coast is downhill. And, last time I checked, that was the opposite direction of success. Business owners … Read the rest
It’s probably juxta-me, but I get a kick out of the word “juxtaposition.” Not for what it means. But for how it jumps out of your mouth when you speak it out loud. It demands to be heard. And you … Read the rest
I like this famous quote from Yogi Berra (a famous Yankee ball player). His answer to one of the questions journalists tossed at him was, “It’s like deja vu all over again.” And I thought of that, yesterday, after seeing … Read the rest
I remember taking the Boy Scout oath way, way back in the 20th century. It’s kinda like the oath of office you’ll see Trump take in January. It was the one that started out with “on my honor.” It’s WAY … Read the rest
Choices choices. In this so-called “land of the free,” today, the highest office of government comes down to voting for one of two people (at least if you prefer to vote for someone who could actually “win” the election). An … Read the rest