Why are there so many people hell-bent on the destruction and torment of other people? It’s like the world is literally filling up with slime from Satan’s cup. And you don’t even have to watch the “six o’clock news” to … Read the rest
Right up front, I gotta say it. And I know this is anathema to the enlightened, evolutionary worldview. But here it is. There’s no such thing as fossil fuel. Bam! I just attacked the whole fossils evolution connection. And, no, … Read the rest
I first shared this ten years ago. But it’s evergreen content (as they say in the online marketing world). So, this is just as true for Mother’s Day 2023 as it has been for every Mother’s Day. Elgielene and I … Read the rest
Nine years ago I wrote that we live in “particularly dangerous times.” And I’m happy to report that the worst has blown over and you’re safe once again. Go back to your daily routine without worry. And without fear. But … Read the rest
I watched a couple of awful videos today. Somebody shared them on social media. More pieces of evidence that clearly show how the drugs don’t work. Well, unless the goal was to create more whacked-out freakazoids. And thieves and thugs. … Read the rest
Whew! We almost didn’t get our May Day tree up in time. And it took some time, but we managed to get the May Day lights out of the storage space above the garage without injury. So, here we are. … Read the rest
Gnats. Flies. If you’re like most people, just the mention of those little buggers is annoying. Because that’s what they are. Annoying. And the reason I brought ’em up is because of my eyeglasses. Not because gnats and flies are … Read the rest
I’ve seen and heard so many wackadoos talk about the “trans community” as if the rest of the world is supposed to accept them as a “normal” thing. Or they call on each other to stand up for the “trans … Read the rest
You ALWAYS have a third choice. Despite what 99% of movies, TV shows, and songs would have you believe, you do. When you’re told you only have two choices, take a little time to think that through. Very often, the … Read the rest
The history of Play Dough (also known as Play Doh) is interesting. Because it actually started out as a product to help people clean the wallpaper in their homes. Wait. Play Dough cleaned walls? Huh? Yeah, a guy named Cleo … Read the rest