Focus in on better things so you’re equipped to guard your hearts and minds. In Philippians 4:8-9 Paul shows us how focus is so important.
Focus is a buzzword, nowadays, used by many motivational speakers and marketing gurus. But the focus they talk about almost never helps you to see how the God of peace will be with you.
Paul actually uses a synonym for “focus”…the word “meditate”. To meditate on something simply means to think deeply and carefully.
And it works best when you focus in on better things.
Picture this in your mind’s eye…from the window in your kitchen you see a sunflower in your front yard. It’s standing there all alone in the midst of rocks and weeds. It’s bright and beautiful. So you pop out your trusty camera and snap a quick photo. But when you share the photo with friends, they don’t get the full effect. They see the rocks and weeds.
Now picture this…you take your camera outside, kneel down, and really focus in on the sunflower. You capture the bright yellow petals with hues of sunset orange blended into interconnecting spirals. You can clearly see the fruit and seeds of the flower. And you’re thankful you have a camera with enough pixels to do it justice. Now, when you take this snapshot, you’ll have a picture that truly depicts the beauty that caught your eyes. And most likely anyone who sees the picture will too.
Well, just like you focused in on the sunflower, you’ll get a much clearer picture of God’s peace when you focus in on better things. Paul wrote a concise list of these things:
Whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, having any virtue, and anything praiseworthy. And when you learn to do what you hear and see Paul doing…who learned by hearing and seeing what Jesus did…then, the God of Peace will be with you. That sounds like something I’d like to work on today. How about you?
Before you go, share this link with everybody you know. Tell ’em to jump on the The FunderFlash AND get some music and other fun stuff, for Fa-Ree.
Stay tuned,