February days have been a bit tricky, so far, here in the heart of the Heartland. Only a few days ago people walked in and out of stores in t-shirts and shorts. But for three days in a row, it’s been like Don Mclean sang,
But February made me shiver with every paper I’d deliver.
As I stood at the post office counter, yesterday, I overheard one of the clerks talking with a customer about this somewhat rollercoaster weather. The customer mentioned how he’d worn a t-shirt and shorts a few days ago. And now he had to wear his coat again. And the clerk chuckled and said, “Yeah, the only thing we enjoy about the weather in Kansas is complaining about it.”
Then, I smiled to myself because I’ve lived in several parts of America. And I’ve noticed that, in every one of those parts, people say the same kinds of things.
February days inspire these comments all around the world.
“You don’t like the weather here, wait an hour. It’ll change.”
“The one thing you can depend on about the weather here is that you can’t depend on it.”
“Yeah, the weather here in (fill in the blank) ain’t like weather anywhere else.”
Here’s what I say about it. You might as well be happy no matter what the weather is right now. Because you sure can’t control it. But you CAN control YOU.
What’s that you ask? How can you be happy when the world is so filled with cold and cold-hearted people?
Well, a man named Paul, wrote a letter to some people in Philippi, in Greece about how he could talked about how he could be content whether he a lot or a little. And he explained how to be happy where you are right now. He gave them the five letter solution:
And Paul explained the reason for that five letter comment.
Because Jesus is able to “supply all your need according to His riches in glory.”
Did you catch that? Not according to YOUR earthly riches that He supplies all your needs. It’s according to “His riches in glory”. And His riches are all fulfilled and offered by Jesus. So, if you truly want to be happy where you are right now, look up and kneel down.
Then these February days won’t freeze your heart.
Every day’s another loving work of art.
From the moment that your feet hit the floor your heart will beat
With the faith that gives believers a head start.
Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. When you do, I’ll send you links to 2 songs and 2 books that adults AND kids enjoy right away. Then, I’ll send you flashes of light from the faith, hope, and the power of God’s love.
Stay tuned,