If you wanna get somebody to do whatever you tell them to, whenever you want them to, then fear is the key. Because somebody’s who’s afraid of you or what you might do to them is so much easier to control.
I learned how fear is the key way back in the 7th grade.
Because I was what, these days, you might call a nerd. Or a geek. Or gearhead, dork, or wonkhead. Doesn’t matter. They’re just words. And I was in what they called “accelerated” classes. Because I took some tests in grade school that said I was too brainy for the normal school lessons.
So, they put me in those classes. And “normal” kids called me those names.
Fun stuff. Good times.
The name calling sort of led to why I mentioned how I learned fear is the key to controlling people. Yeah, there were a couple of guys in one of my normal classes who got their jollies from bullying me. And I was the kind of guy who preferred to avoid confrontations. Because I was at school to learn. Not fight.
But none of that mattered to the bully boys. They sat behind me so they could smack me in the head if I even thought about not letting them cheat off me. One guy was a smart aleck who was basically the same size as me. But the other guy was a big dude.
They’d whisper how, if I didn’t let them see my answers to test questions, they wait for me after school, and…well, maybe you can imagine. I sure could.
So, I’d accommodate them. Most of the time. But sometimes I’d do something to get out of showing them my papers. And then I’d make sure to take a different way home after school. And that went on most of my 7th grade year.
But in the 8th grade something happened that changed my whole outlook. Be sure to ask me what that was.
I think you’ll get a kick out of the story.
Anyway, here’s another example of how fear is the key to control. Check out these climate change headlines:
- The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.
- A study released last month by two NOAA scientists that the amount of sunshine reaching the ground in the continental U.S. changed by 1.3%
- Telltale signs are everywhere…the thickness of polar ice…animal migration
- Global temperature must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind
Can you say #Yikes?
But here’s the thing. Those headlines were all about global cooling. Yep. The Earth wasn’t getting hotter. It was getting cooler. And many goofballs predicted an ice age where the whole Earth, and most or all of the people, would freeze to death.
Unless “we do something now.”
But guess what that means. OK, no need to guess. Because I’ll tell you. It means somebody wants more money from good people who work hard and raise kids and make the world a better place. And they know fear is the key to getting you to go along.
But here’s the key to not falling for THAT key. Trust God who says “do not fear.” Plus, God promises that global warming, or cooling, or so-called climate change won’t end the world. So, here’s what I say to kids (or their owners) whenever I can:
God is great, and God is strong.
And He made all there is.
So don’t fear this fearful world.
Remember, champ, you’re His.
If He says a thing is so,
Then you can bet it’s true.
Trust His promise to us all.
And trust Him to come through. © 2015
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