Over the years I’ve written some Christmas songs. And one of them became one of my favorite Christmas songs. Hey, who says a songwriter can’t like his own music? Not me, that’s who.
Yes, it’s perfectly fine to have enough ego to admit you like something you create. It would be kinda stupid to be creating stuff you didn’t like. Where’s the good in that? It’s nowhere in there, that’s where.
The song I’m talking about is one I’ve been sharing song for a little bunch of Christmases. This year is no different. May the Prince of Peace and God of Christmas rule in your heart today and always. And you’re not required to include it in your list of favorite Christmas songs. But I hope it strikes a chord with you anyway.
Merry Christmas!
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And here are the words…
I Believe In The God of Christmas
Some believe there’s just today,
And then we die and fade away…
Such a sad and hopeless life to lead.
Others say we never die,
We all live on above the sky…
Disregard the theft and hate and greed.
But I believe in the God of Christmas,
And I believe in His Gift to us all,
Yes, I believe that He died to save us
And that He rose to recover our fall.
Yes I believe in the God who loves us,
And I believe in the God who lives,
Yes I believe in the God of Christmas.
He gave His love, and He still freely gives.
One day soon we just may find
So many millions left behind
In a world where truth is torn apart.
Then no lights, no Christmas trees,
No arts and no humanities
Will bring peace to any broken heart.
But I believe in the God of Christmas…
© 2011
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