Why would you want to fail early? Or at all?
Yeah, it came up again. And again. Yesterday and today. I saw more entrepreneurs and “influencers” sharing that silly fail early stuff on social media. And I sure hope you’re not buying it. Because it might make a “cool” soundbite, but it’s not a strong position to take in this mean ol’ world. It sounds girly. Which is OK for girls, but…
Success doesn’t happen because you fail early.
And it doesn’t happen because you fail often. Or fail forward. Success happens because you refuse to accept failure. And you keep moving forward. You fight forward. Like the apostle Paul said, you “fight the good fight of faith” with your eyes on the prize.
You and I have certainly had our share of obstacles to overcome in this life. Right? Physical challenges. Health problems. Clunky business ideas. Family issues. Lost loved ones. And the list goes on…
But did you succeed at anything because you were willing to fail early? No. Your success came when you refused to quit. And you refused to take on a victim mentality. Or a loser’s perspective.
So, that’s why I say don’t embrace failure. Embrace persistence. Stamina. Courage in the face of adversity. And fight forward. Which means you’ll have to climb over obstacles sometimes. And you’ll have to pick yourself back up when you fall occasionally.
And don’t embrace failure.
Because you only fail when you stop moving forward. When you give up.
In spite of what you might hear, read, or see out there in media land, there’s no such thing as a famous failure.
People love to use Thomas Edison as an example of the whole “fail forward, fail often” silliness. But Mr. Edison agreed with me about the giving up definition of failure:
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”~ Thomas A. Edison
See? Failures give up. So, should you give up early and give up often? I’m sure you know the answer.
Fight forward every day you’re alive.
Ask God to give you wisdom and drive.
It won’t give me a bit of surprise
When He helps you keep your eyes on the prize.
Stay tuned,
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