Today is the end of April 2020
Yeah, now that the end of April is here, a third of this year is in the can. And a bunch of this year has ended up in the trash can. At least for a lot of people. Because human beings still don’t know how to be unselfish. As a general rule.
The way it’s gone through the end of April, what do you think May will be like?
My guess is, there will still be the positive people. And the negative people. Sort of like any other time in history. Right? But in these current circumstances, selfishness seems to have no limits. Fake news is everywhere. Even some of it that sounds great. But most of it sounds ridiculous, insidious, and nefarious.
So, who you gonna believe? And is there anyone you can believe?
Well, yeah. But you gotta be more diligent to listen. And watch. And discern. Because, odd as it might seem, there are sharks out there. Ready to swarm in and tear you to shreds. Financially, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. And whether they can count you as one of their victims or not depends on your ability to see them.
When May gets here tomorrow, be ready for the virus that was here long before this latest one. The virus of selfishness. Immunize yourself against it. And the only way to do that is to wrap your mind around as much wisdom as you can.
Positive thinking won’t do it. The so-called “law of attraction” won’t do it…and never could. And even those random acts of kindness won’t keep you ready.
Only wisdom can do it.
Good news is…you don’t have to climb to some guru aerie on top of the world. In fact, you don’t have to climb at all. But you DO have to look up. Because that’s where your hope is. Your only hope. And the only hope that takes you through forever.
But maybe you’re already too cool for school. Maybe you don’t need to look any further than your own amazing self for inspiration and motivation. But I wouldn’t bet my soul on it if I were you.
Where do you place your bet?
On a self we’ll all soon forget?
Or a hope who covers your debt?
Have you even decided yet?
Stay tuned,
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Grab some Merch
Or how about some music for kids