Hey kiddos. Repeat after me. Metamorphosis. Wow. Now, that’s a word they should change into something easier to say. Right? Hey, wait a second. Eureka! That’s it! We could use the word, change.
But metamorphosis is a drastic change.
Like what a caterpillar goes through to become a beautiful butterfly. Yeah, you just about can’t find a more drastic change than that metamorphosis.
A caterpillar actually has to liquefy itself before it can become a butterfly. Can you imagine?! I’m sure glad I never had to liquefy myself. But what if you could do that to people and make ’em better?
Like, what if you could do that to a bully? Or a potty mouth. Just stick him in a specially designed cocoon and liquefy him? And wait a little while for him to turn into a solid person again. And what if you let him back out, and he was a nice guy? Wouldn’t that be awesome?
If only it was that easy.
Well, guess what? It’s even easier than that. Or at least it can be. Wanna know how? And why? I hope so. Because I’m gonna tell ya.
Bad people can morph into better people just by making a good choice. For WAY too many people the choice is too hard to make. So, they don’t do it. And that’s so sad. Because of all the change someone went through to make it so easy to do.
I’m talking about the biggest change there ever was.
When God became a man and came to Earth to live with us. Talk about change! You and I can even understand how He could have lived forever in the past. Because we had a beginning. God didn’t. He just always existed. As a Spirit that cannot die.
But one day, a long time ago, He decided to create a couple of human beings. He made them in His image and likeness. That just means we look like Him just as any kids who look like their parents. And He created a perfect place for those human beings to live without a worry in the world. And He said the whole world was all theirs. Except for the fruit of one certain tree.
And, wouldn’t you know, they decided to eat the fruit on THAT tree.
Well, there’s a whole lotta bad stuff that happened after that. And the bad stuff is still happening. Every day. And everywhere in the world. But there’s also good news that happened because of the bad stuff.
After God became a man (the man you probably heard of named Jesus), He went through another drastic (and horrible) change. But it was the change that made sure you and I could have the best present ever. No, I don’t mean your own phone. WAY better than that. You can live forever. Because Jesus took responsibility for every bad thing every person ever did, does, or will do.
And all you gotta do to live forever is believe and trust that He did it for YOU. Then you can make a beautiful change because of His drastic change. And you can find out why God made…
Butterflies For Kids
Those butterflies they flutter by
And never make a sound.
Some soar up high into the sky…
Some just above the ground.
They land on flowers in the yard
And gently stretch their wings.
And then they fold them up again
And tend to other things.
Some little kids with little nets
Run barefoot through the yard.
They try to catch some butterflies,
But find out that it’s hard…
‘Cause butterflies fly up and down
And back and forth so well.
For kids who want to capture one
It’s like a magic spell.
They laugh and squeal in sheer delight
They nearly flip their lids.
And that’s why I’m quite sure that God
Made butterflies for kids.
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