Done With Love
The Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 16 sound more like a letter to friends than at other parts in 1 Corinthians. You can read of his plans, suggestions, and observations. And he exhorts the Corinthians to “watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love”.
Notice how Paul talks about love and strength together. If you’re letting all that you do be done with love, you’re not giving up one ounce of your strength. In fact, it’s in love for your fellow man that your true strength is displayed.
It’s cool how often things come down to the “golden rule”. The way you would like to be treated is how you should treat others. Don’t you like to be loved? Don’t you like kindness and help when you need it? And don’t you prefer peace? If you answered yes to those questions, you need to first give those things…love, kindness, help, and peace. And think about it…
It’s much easier to do something for someone when it’s done with love.
For example, if a kid is forced to help clean the house, you mostly likely won’t see a happy kid. Yet, that same kid can clean the house for mom’s birthday, and suddenly it wasn’t a dreaded chore. The difference? Love.
My whole website is a project done with love for my fellow human beings. If you can read anything else into it, you’re forcing your anti-Christian bias in between the lines. I don’t seek to or go out of my way to offend. The Truth just has a way of offending. It’s unavoidable because of a gift God gave us from the beginning…our own will. My preference is to grow in my ability to trust in God’s will. However, the vast majority of human beings prefer to trust only in “self”.
And so God’s love seems offensive to them.
If you don’t feel love or loved, ask yourself… “Am I giving love?” If you think you’ll somehow come off looking wimpy and weak, ask yourself…”What’s the strongest emotion in human experience?”
Here’s the only way my thesis can fail…don’t implement it. Don’t try to love first. Don’t reach out to others first. And don’t help someone else first. Just keep waiting for it these things to come to you. Keep waiting for someone to find you lovable. Keep waiting for someone to clean your house, or fix your car, or give you money. It’s your choice…wait for love and be done with love…
Or experience overflowing love from what you did with love.
In Faith, Hope, and Love