I read a subhead to an article, on a so-called “science” website, that said “A surprising cellular defensive strategy could inspire new antibiotics.” What’s surprising (not really) is how many times so-called “scientists” are surprised at the complexity in life here on planet Earth.
Your own cells have more than one defensive strategy against invaders.
Bacteria, viruses (aka viri), and all other germs are “seen” by the body as foreign enemies. I’m not talking about the “friendly” bacteria. I mean the stuff that scares so many “grown-ups” in America to the point of wearing silly, little cloth masks. (by the way, that’s like building a mesh fence around your yard to keep the mosquitos out)
Anyway. The website I mentioned earlier, says some human cells can “dispense a surprising substance: soap.” And that soap can apparently dissolve the inner membranes of bacteria and kill those suckers. Plus, the article said those human cells aren’t even part of your immune system.
And I got a real “kick” out of a couple of the sentences in the article. Their anti God worldview poked its tiny, tiny head into the reports. They said “The professional players of the immune system, like antibodies or white blood cells, get lots of attention. But all cells are endowed with some ability to combat infection.”
“Professional players.” Yeah, like the immune system (or any part of it) is or ever was amateur.
And to say “all cells are endowed with some ability to combat infection” is even more peculiar. Endowed implies a benefactor. A giver of some sort. Of course, I’m sure the immunologist who said that (and who’s name I won’t give so he doesn’t benefit from the connection) doesn’t believe there’s a benefactor. Just benefits of evolution.
Yeesh, there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one.
Benefits of evolution.
And that same immunologist followed his “endowed” comment with an even sillier statement. He mentioned how “these run-of-the-mill cellular defenses have often been overlooked even though they are part of an ancient and primordial defense system.”
But I’d be willing to bet your whole next year’s profits that he knows nothing about the massive number of scientists who don’t overlook the wonders found in human cells.
Those scientists actually love going where science takes them. Because science is a great tool for connecting the dots of creation to a Creator.
I’ll leave you to ponder that idea till the next time I share something with you. Until then…
It’s time for a new strategy
That doesn’t come from you or me
And isn’t new. In fact, it’s old.
It comes from God as good as gold.
Stay tuned,
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