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You have a right to defend your livelihood. And this will come as a surprise to way too many people these days. But your right to do that doesn’t come from the government or the constitution. Nope. Rights don’t come from people.And just because some guy named “Bill” mentioned rights doesn’t change that fact. Nope. Rights come from God.
So, you have the right to defend your livelihood.
Because your livelihood is your “means of securing the necessities for life,” according to the dictionary definition of the word. Even “Bill” acknowledges your right to life. So, there you go. Protect yours.
Now, here’s the reason I bring it up. Because I read a short news blurb, this morning, that talked about how politicians in California are trying to pass a law that makes it illegal to stop (or try to stop) a thief from looting a store. And the blurb added a subhead that said, “You could go to jail for defending your own business.”
Get that?
It could be against the law to defend your business from those who break the law. That’s a sign (one of so many) of how depraved and broken our governmental system is in America. And it’s difficult (although not impossible) to believe there were enough voters to elect politicians that stupid. Maybe those politicians didn’t/don’t need enough voters. Maybe they just need enough of a particular voting machine and system. Just sayin’…
Those politicians don’t work on laws like that because they care about those poor people just trying to make ends meet, as they load up bags of expensive cosmetics and iconic sportswear. No, they hate those people. But they hate hard-working (evil) business owners even more. Because entrepreneurs represent free and independent thinkers. And we sure as shootin’ can’t have that.
That political nonsense reminds me of something I shared years ago.
When I was a kid, I’d go to work with my Dad on Saturdays. He was a milkman for a long time, and this is when milkmen would have to get up at 3 in the morning to be sure to have the milk delivered in time for breakfast for most of their customers. I remember around daybreak we’d stop somewhere for a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast. And I also remember seeing a sign in many places that said “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.”
And that absolutely should be a right of any business owner, for any type of business. Of course, there WILL be stupid business owners who shoot themselves in the foot by refusing service to someone based on skin color. And ethnicity and perceived status. But if they prefer to risk their livelihood by being that stupid, that’s their right.
It’s THEIR business. And it’s YOUR right with YOUR business. You should be able to defend your livelihood. And refuse service to anyone. Even if it’s just because they…
- Have piercings and look dirty
- Smell bad
- Are an ethnicity you don’t agree with
- Are loud
- Live under a bridge
- Are too snooty
- Are too blonde
- Aren’t the right color (Uh-oh, that’s a big one, right?)
- Don’t speak English (whoa, Tony…how dare you?)
- Fall under any category you come up with
No one has the right to force someone else to run their business a certain way. Even when you passionately disagree with their methods, choices, or worldview, it’s still their business. Not yours. And vice versa. Protect yours.
I’ll always defend your right to life. But I’ll never defend your right to someone else’s life or freedoms.
So work hard and take time to pray
For lives to be saved every day.
True love won’t give up or give in.
Hang in there. It’s worth it. We win.
Stay tuned,
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