Low self-esteem. Negative body image. Even suicide. This world is chock full o’ nuts. Oh wait. That’s coffee. Must’ve gotten distracted by the aroma emanating from the cup on my desk. Seriously, there are countless numbers of people dealing with doubt about themselves. It’s important to be humble and all. But there’s an awesome way to overcome the problem.
If you’re dealing with doubt, you’re probably looking the wrong direction.
And you’re probably all focused on, uh, YOU. But to coin those lyrics in a Kim Carnes song again, “That’s where the trouble lies.” Because it’s easy to live in doubt and fear when life is all about YOU.
So, here’s the best advice for anytime you’re dealing with doubt.
Remember, you originated in the mind of God.
Yeah! AND, you even look like Him. Well, not exactly, of course. But you (and I) were created in the “image and likeness” of Jesus. And He made a huge sacrifice for us when He took on human flesh. Because He took it on forever.
In all of eternity past, He was spirit only.
But, now, He has a face you can recognize. Because it’s like yours. Two ears and eyes. A mouth and nose. Hair, teeth, lips, and so on. And He is not like false gods who can’t empathize with your pain. Jesus knows your pain. Even better than you know it yourself.
So, look up.
And, at the risk of sounding simplistic, the next time you’re dealing with doubt, Don’t fear. Instead, focus on your Creator and what He says about you. And speaking of “Don’t” here’s more you don’t do. The link you see at the end of the video has been replaced. You should click or tap this one: https://www.tonyfunderburk.com/fundersongs And scroll down till you see the Kiddin’ Around songs.
© 2008
You can also get a paperback version of the Kiddin’ Around book on Amazon. It’s a coloring book, songbook (with lyrics), and there’s a secret download link to all the songs. Click or tap this link:
Stay tuned,