Darkness Falls And Takes Millions of People With It
Is it just me? Or have you noticed how dark, dreary, and ominous things have gotten? Even here in America where the light of truth once shone brightest…everything is going dark. Movies, music, billboards, the internet…all filled with shadowed images and references. What do you think the attraction is with this downward spiral into a bottomless pit? Whatever it is, we shouldn’t embrace a fatalistic attitude. And we certainly shouldn’t toss in the towel. Because no matter what, eventually darkness falls, and the Light will banish it forever.
It’s not that I think the world is, to borrow a couple of well-known metaphors, “a bed of roses” or “the land of milk and honey”. Far from it. But I believe we get the world we build. It hasn’t been predetermined by God or any dark forces of evil to be filled with darkness. We make it that way. We…the members of the human race as a group. But…
There are groups who are doing what they can to turn the tide, to reverse the trend toward destruction. I count myself in that camp. And I’m no angel. I’ve messed up more times than I can count, and I’m sure I’ll mess up some more. But a perfect person only lived on this planet once. Guess what He said about me? And you…
…we are “more than conquerors“.
Wouldn’t you prefer a bright, sunny, colorful world where imagination soars toward rainbows of light? Doesn’t that sound more refreshing than skulls and crossbones and zombies and mutation freaks?
Again…is it just me? Or is there anyone out there who’d also like to see to it that darkness falls once and for all. If so, c’mon…let’s…
Beat The World
Every time you turn your back
There’s somebody there to pick your pockets
And so you see there’s more to life
More than love and rockets
Deal with reality the best that you can
Try to remember there’s a higher plan
That’s the only way to beat the world at its own game
Yeah…every time you make your mark
There’s somebody there to erase it
And people say that’s just the way it is
And boy you’d better face it
But you believe there’s gotta be a better side
And you won’t give up on it until you’ve tried
That’s the only way to beat the world at its own game
C’mon and beat the world, and try to leave a dent
But don’t regret the time that you’ve spent
C’mon and beat the world, and try to leave a bruise
You need to love the life that you choose
C’mon and beat the world…
Every time you read the morning news
The paper cites another killing
It’s beyond my power to comprehend
How the taking of life could be thrilling
Banish the dark side; welcome the light
Then you’ll win the never-ending fight
That’s the only way to beat the world at its own game
Oh, can you imagine”
if we were all singing the same song,
Would we still be living this way?
Instrumental…repeat chorus to end
© 1996 Tony Funderburk
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