Citrus Music
Ahh…citrus, music, sunshine, sparkling water…it’s refreshing just to say the words. Or in this case, write the words. (I said ’em out loud, too, so I could see how they sound)
Do you love the scents of lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit as much as me? I doubt it, but if you do, I suggest you stop reading this and go find some fruit or essential oils to smell right now. Guess what…it’ll perk up your mood. I can almost guarantee it. Citrus aromas are known for their uplifting properties, and the oils from these fruits are rich in antioxidants and d-Limonene. I actually take orange oil and lemon oil daily, and they’re awesome.
They’re so awesome, in fact, I wrote some citrus music for an essential oils presentation experience recently. Everyone loved the lemon oil and they said the music went with it very well. Check out the instrumental, below, and tell me what you think. Does it capture the citrus essence? Does it make you wanna eat an orange? Does it help you get your irie on?
Here’s my citrus music called “Chanson d’Agrumes“…
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