You’re more than matter. And you matter because of that. Not because of the color of your skin. Not because of how much money you have or where you were born. And not because you’re the most perfect specimen ever … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
I can understand why someone might be sad and lonely during this “most wonderful time of the year.” But I believe those are the people who don’t understand what the celebration of Christmas is about. And it’s no wonder so … Read the rest
The older I get, the more I realize how “slower than Christmas” is one of those old expressions based on a kid’s perspective. Because, for me, it feels like just a few weeks ago it was Christmas 2022. And here … Read the rest
OK, the Christmas spirit ghost just flew past. And he haunted me, with that reverberating laugh of his, as he regurgitated his annual rebuke of my Christmas joy. “Bah! Funderbug!” Sure, he’s a Christmas spirit ghost. But that’s just mean. … Read the rest
An annual Christmas tradition, in the FunderHaus is special movies time. “Christmas in Connecticut” and “White Christmas” and “The Bishop’s Wife” and a few others all lead up to “It’s A Wonderful Life.” And you might recall, in Wonderful Life, … Read the rest
I’ve never enjoyed writing pro life songs. And I wish none existed. OK, I said it. And I’m not taking it back. But I’ll explain why I’m so anti pro life songs. Because I’d much rather write songs about all … Read the rest
The irony of the so-called social media connection idea is how much more disconnected we are these days. And don’t try to defend your dozens of daily posts as how connected you are. Because that’s a fading facade. Social media … Read the rest
My “earthen vessel” challenges me to a duel every day. I’m sure you can relate. Because everybody faces challenges. But the daily duel is OK because it’s not like I’m alone in the wilderness. I’m not without power. Can you … Read the rest
Unless you’ve got your hands over your eyes and ears you know there’s a lotta trouble in this world. It’s worse than I’ve ever seen it. But there’s been massive trouble on this planet my whole life. And it was … Read the rest
Back in the Bible days kids walked to school. And some of us had morning prayer, over the loudspeaker, before we headed out from homeroom into the different classes. We also said the “pledge of allegiance.” And it was the … Read the rest