What if you were the only person on earth? Kinda spooky to think about isn’t it? It might make you think of movies about the last survivors on the planet. And what an awful place it would be. And that … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
I’ve always had a place I could go when I needed to drown out the noise of the world. Music. And when I was 22, I bought a piano. Not just a another electronic keyboard. Nope. An actual, upright piano. … Read the rest
Hey, hey, it’s May and May Day. So, what do you say? I say hey! Let’s talk about the May birthstone. And in case you didn’t already know, it’s the beautiful emerald. Emerald for a May birthstone makes sense when … Read the rest
Being a parent, especially one with a baby or young child, can be isolating. That was a headline that caught my eye this morning. And maybe it’s just me (I doubt it), but that kind of parent seems like the … Read the rest
I saw a headline that I had to check out. It said: A prominent doctor asks Democrats: “If abortion is healthcare, my question is: what disease are you treating?” And I say Kudos to the good doctor for the “what … Read the rest
It all started 90 years ago, today. On April 19, 1934. Before I say more about that, let me say this. Every human being past, present, or future will experience these same three things: Life Love Loss. Obviously if you … Read the rest
Let’s ask the judges for a definition before we proceed. “1: lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation, AND 2: lack of self-restraint” OK. There you have it. The very definition of why there’s an incontinence choice problem right … Read the rest
“Survey says?!” Remember that question on Family Feud? Apparently that show is still on TV. But I haven’t watched it in decades, so I can’t say. But the reason I bring it up is because of the whole “survey says” … Read the rest
My brother and I had a two-week booking in Erie, Pennsylvania. And we had just arrived. We unloaded our music gear and clothes and took them into the hotel. But I left a few boxes and assorted items in the … Read the rest
Your whole life here on earth is only the beginning. The fullness of eternity opens up to you, clearly, once you die. That’s the point of no return. Or, as the band, Kansas, said, the Point of Know Return. Anyway… … Read the rest
Imagine, for a second or two, that you and I have the exact same basic needs. Food, water, shelter, clothes, emotional stability. I know it already sounds far-fetched. But hear (read?) me out. Of course, no dark heart will like … Read the rest
Happy Easter. And I only say that to you if you believe in the real reason this holiday (Holy-day) exists. If you don’t believe, then you can have a terrible day for all I care. “Ouch, Tony. That’s harsh.” Oh, … Read the rest