Good without God is a philosophical impossibility. If God does not exist, then good and evil and right and wrong are merely concepts within the minds of individuals. Or at best, a consensus arrived at by process. And if and … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
Hope is a good thing to have…especially when it’s so scarce. When you realize how numbered your days are…when you understand how many bad people are around…when you wonder how you’ll make it through another day, hope is a good … Read the rest
In this episode, Tony talks about dark days, indecision, pot, how the wind blows and a baby grows, and even colorblindness. And yet…it’s all positive and upbeat. Seriously. Stay tuned, P.S. Your support for my Words and Music means the world … Read the rest
Christmas stress is a matter of focus and trust. As I write this Christmas 2015 is 2 weeks from tomorrow. I’ve already been asked that question I’ve heard every year since I became an adult: “Are you ready for Christmas?” … Read the rest
Do bumps, scratches, and glitches ruin your day? Did you know it’s up to you what can ruin your day? I know that sounds a little weird when you first read it, but let me explain a little with a … Read the rest
Indecision: When not deciding IS deciding – There have been many times in my life when indecision caused me to miss out on opportunities. The good news is…those were situations that only had temporary consequences. I was able to recover … Read the rest
Being Colorblind Can Be A Good Thing To be colorblind means you have a deficiency of color vision. This problem affects a significant amount of the population. And when you consider some of the potential hazards, it’s not something to … Read the rest
How the wind blows and how a baby grows: a common answer If you’re a scientist, or even a layman with a curiosity for how things work, you should be in awe of the complexity found in a single, living cell. I’m … Read the rest
God is good…but not just any god You can make anything or anyone a god…your god. But that doesn’t make it or them THE God..the one, true, living, loving God who created all the universe. And when you make something … Read the rest
Not Just “A” Way…The Only Way You might be brilliant. You might be indispensable to your business, your company, your friends, and your family. But you are nothing without the spirit of life in you. I know, in a way, … Read the rest
Episode 129 of THE Truth in Words and Music Podcast is ready to listen to. Tony talks about hypocritical love, being true to yourself, giving your all to God, and what to do when you’re feeling down and out. If … Read the rest
Down and out. You’ll find a lot of self-help articles on how to deal with feeling that way. But I’d like to suggest that your “self” isn’t the best place to look for help. In fact, I’d like to suggest … Read the rest