Have you achieved your own definition of success? Here’s how it tends to go…at least here in America where I live… First, you see in the media what seems to be the definition of success, and you measure yourself against it. When the … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
Happy New Year 2016 I can’t believe I’m already saying “Happy New Year 2016”. It seems like only a few days ago I was telling you the same thing for 2015. It’s odd how time seems to speed up as … Read the rest
This week, on the Truth in Words and Music Podcast, I talked about tithing, condemning, mending broken hearts, and understanding women. Now that’s a combination of topics you shouldn’t miss…right? It may not all tie together with a nice Christmas … Read the rest
Which is better? To get understanding? Or lots of money? OK…today’s post is just for the men. So, you females stop reading and listening. It’s not about you…it’ll be good for you, too, but it’s not for you today. I’ll … Read the rest
You can’t mend a broken heart with broken tools. Back in the early 70’s the Bee Gees had a hit song called “How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?” The lyrics and the melody conveyed a deep sadness for a … Read the rest
Not Condemned…wanna see that stamped on your soul? I’d like to share two verses from Bible with you, today. And these are appropriate since we’re within a few short days of Christmas…the holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus. I know … Read the rest
Life carries on no matter what…so are you important? Of course you are! Your significance is measured by the highest standard in existence…God’s love. He created you in His image. And He created you on purpose…to give you life. And … Read the rest
Tithing ten percent is one of the mosaic laws Could you live on 40% of what you make now? What about 30%? How about 20%? OK, let’s talk it all the way…could you live on 0%? I’m guessing you dropped … Read the rest
This week, on the Truth in Words and Music Podcast, I talked about hope, trust, rejoicing, good deeds, and God’s hearing. I shared lyrics to one of my old songs, and when you tune into this podcast episode, you can … Read the rest
Are you making time for rejoicing? Have you noticed a great distress all over the world? You’re not alone. Lots of people are talking about it. Many Christians are focused on topics like “the end days” or “the last days” … Read the rest
Do you believe God hears you when you pray? If you’d like to be sure He does, I have some good news for you. You CAN know. For example, there was a guy named John, who wrote this in the … Read the rest
It’s important to remember how to trust God when life is awesome. That might sound a little odd at first. But trusting God oftentimes becomes blurry for the man or woman whose life is full and rich. It’s a human … Read the rest