Have you asked – What can I do? If you’ve lived long enough to become an adult in this world, you’ve probably noticed how many bad things are done by bad (and good) people. And if there’s a caring bone … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
My Phoenix Imagination It arises from rainbow ashes. It takes flight on crystal butterflies. Once forgotten and then forsaken… Now it glows above translucent skies. And it’s all mine…imagination, A Phoenix, a ruby lightning rod. I’m transported up through the heavens, With a blink, … Read the rest
You Gotta Break Some Rules – But not the good ones Just because some authoritative power makes a rule doesn’t make the rule a good one, a just one, or a fair one. In fact, many rules, policies, and laws are … Read the rest
Are you listening…not just hearing? There’s a hearing exercise I do every so often throughout my life. It’s what I call pinpoint listening. Maybe you’ve done this, too. You stop doing whatever you’re doing where ever you are and see how … Read the rest
Are motivational songs all in your mind? Ken had a very nagging feeling that just wouldn’t leave him alone. Right after he had his coffee each morning he’d start to stress over his ideas. As he was having his bacon, … Read the rest
Do You Pay Attention to These Three Parts of Your Singing Voice? Do you just love to sing? I mean, is singing the first thing on your mind in the morning and the last thing at night? If you can … Read the rest
Are you willing to do something for God today? I promise, it won’t be for nothing. You may be asking what you can do for God. I hope that’s the question anyway…and not a question of why. The answer is … Read the rest
Is it hard for you to fall fast asleep at night? I wrote “Fall Fast Asleep” as a lullaby song for kids a few years back. It was part of a collection I called “Lullabye Bye”. And in the lyrics … Read the rest
Need a bedtime story for kids? What do these next sentences have in common? 1) Henry was a hippo. And I don’t know if you know this, but hippos are HUGE. So when a huge hippo has a problem,” it’s a huge problem. 2) Before … Read the rest
If you exist (and you do), you have to believe in something, so… It might as well be the Truth. When all else fails, the Truth succeeds. When all else fades away, the Truth shines like the sun. When all … Read the rest
It’s good to get wise to yourself Have you ever heard this expression? Get wise to yourself – Usually when someone is telling you that, they don’t mean it as a helpful critique. It’s typically said with a sarcastic voice. … Read the rest
Is there such a thing as unconditional love? No. There is no such thing as unconditional love. I admit there are types of love that come close. A mother’s love for her child, and sometimes a child’s love for his … Read the rest