Are You Facing Impossible Odds? Impossible odds are usually not as impossible as you think they are. I hope you don’t mind me getting right to the point like that, but I don’t tend to sugar coat things…unless I’m writing poetry … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
Mister Pain – leave me alone! Did you get a visit from Mister Pain today? Or this week? Or anytime lately? If so, did you yell back at him when he yelled at you? Or did you find yourself giving … Read the rest
I know a writer who chooses stories as his writing style. I work with him everyday. And he challenges me to write engaging, relevant stories for myself and those who hire me to write for them. When I think I don’t … Read the rest
A song about the only thing worth anything
Hold On (you gotta hold real tight) I would love to take you in my arms And capture all your dreams that get away And put them in your heart where they belong And fill it full of love so … Read the rest
Do you know a message of hope? Would you believe most people in the world live without hope? It doesn’t mean there IS no hope…just that they’ve never heard a tried and true message of hope. And I’m talking about … Read the rest
Ever thought about creation and imagination? Creation and imagination are the dynamic duo for a content writer. Your projects often come with their own criteria. But they can really come alive for your audience when they can see the color, … Read the rest
Independence Day 2016 Let’s talk about ultimate freedom I hope you get to enjoy an awesome fireworks display wherever you live. And I hope you also enjoy the company of family and friends and good food and great fun. And … Read the rest
Father’s Day 2016 On this Father’s Day 2016, think about the Number One Father, your Creator. I wrote a song about Him about a few years ago, and I’d like to share it with you today. It talks about how we owe … Read the rest
Do you live life inside the lines? We all have ’em. Lines. The ones we draw that no one else can cross. The lines we won’t cross ourselves. The lines that make up that little box where we feel safe … Read the rest
Fancy Dancer an adjective and noun frozen in time What does it take to be a fancy dancer? Maybe you think a fancy dancer would be someone who wears special clothing and dances tippy-toe. Or maybe you think it’s someone … Read the rest
Tell the truth Do you have a photographic memory? I used to tell a joke about having a photographic memory. When someone would ask me to prove it, I’d look at a long page of text for a couple of … Read the rest
OK…so impress me already Everybody cops an attitude once in a while. Right? Even songwriters. Way back in 1988 I was writing some thoughts down, based on how I perceived some social interaction. As I often do, I just let … Read the rest