No need to go off the grid to enjoy some analog fun Have you seen, heard, or read about people who think they have to go off the grid to get away from “the man?” With satellites everywhere in the … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
Fiction Writers Are Good At Making Things Up Good fiction can be based on facts, or influenced by reality, but a good fiction writer needs to be good at making things up. And that goes for songs, too. I don’t know … Read the rest
Sunday Morning Music If you can’t make it to church this morning…and you’d still like some Sunday morning music…sing along with me. Stay tuned, P.S. I invite you to share this with your friends and family. And let’s stay connected. … Read the rest
Sunday Morning Hymn I invite you to sing along with this old Sunday morning hymn…with an “up” beat. This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears all nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres. … Read the rest
It’s important to know why you are here Life can challenge you more than you’re prepared for so many times. And it can be easy to give up hope…if you don’t have a firm foundation and an eternal perspective. In … Read the rest
Fan mail doesn’t get better than this This illustrated fan mail has everything I could ever need or want from a young fan. Creative illustrations…Calling me “a great singer” and “my favorite”…and even signing her name sincerely. What else could a singer … Read the rest
Just sharing a little drifting off music with you today. Don’t listen to it if you’re driving or operating heavy machinery. 🙂 (video no longer available) Stay tuned, subscribe to The FunderFlash Journal today! Subscribe to the Rhyme & … Read the rest
Lavender – it even sounds like a color Lavender is more than just a color. It’s a beautiful plant, a homeopathic essential oil, and a popular ingredient in perfumes. And even though it’s more than just a color, it’s a … Read the rest
Two Singer Songwriters Sing “King Of Hearts” Same last name…same initials…same song title. And yet, neither one of us knew about the other one’s song. Can you believe two Funderburks would come up with a song called King of Hearts at … Read the rest
Get Your Name In The Book of Life There’s an actual, real book of life. And my name is in it. I made sure of that a long time ago. By the way…I don’t mean that giant social media channel … Read the rest
Let’s connect the dots of life today. I can’t imagine considering the complexity in the universe and coming up with the conclusion that it must have all been an “accident.” But maybe that’s just me. Actually, it’s not just me. … Read the rest
Is This The Root of All Evil? When I started singing, as a little boy, I began to dream that one day I’d rise to the top and have all the money my heart could possibly desire. And I could … Read the rest