Warning: Flirt Alert They used to be called philanderers. Or maybe you’ve heard ’em called a Casanova, a Don Juan, or Lothario. And more recently you might’ve heard terms like ladies’ man, playboy, or stud. Way back when, you could’ve heard: skirt-chaser, tomcat, and wolf. Whichever … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
Analog zone of my own OK, here’s my phone. Now, let’s see. Settings: General: software update. No, not in there. OK, Settings: Wi-Fi. And it’s not in there. Where would it be? Control center? No. Accessibility? No. And it’s not … Read the rest
Music and math – it all adds up Way back in my school choir days I remember how much I enjoyed when we started learning about music dynamics. Because dynamics give music so much more emotion and depth. And in … Read the rest
Music is dead – yeah, right I was about to do a little research on the Wizard of Google. So, I clicked into the search bar and started typing “music is…” And before I could type anything else, Google delivered … Read the rest
Music is communication of choice by your friendly neighborhood RhymeTender To say music is communication is a bit like saying water is wet. Of course it is! But it’s not simple yada yada communication. Because music is the way people … Read the rest
I love the music and memory connection My friend, Brian, and I were talking about starting to sing in front of a group of people and realizing you don’t remember the first words. He told me this happened to him … Read the rest
Talk about a very good feeling Imagine yourself in God’s shoes for a minute. Back at the time of creation. Those very first six days when He created Heaven and Earth. And everything in them. You’re looking down at it … Read the rest
Heart throb of the 80s Yeah, I played music for a living back in the 80’s. A bit before that, and a long time after that, too. But those 80’s were a ton of fun. Straight ahead beats. Bright colors … Read the rest
Is positive reinforcement always positive? Earlier today we were out running errands. And at a traffic light we saw a lady and her dog stop to wait for the green. She looked down at the cute little dude, and he … Read the rest
I captured some moments in time I’ve mentioned before how I spent a year of prolific songwriting in Nashville. It was back in 1992-93. And I was under the mistaken impression that record companies were always looking for something new. … Read the rest