You’re not alone. Somebody is there. Isn’t it comforting to know you’re not alone in times of trouble? Just knowing somebody is there can oftentimes make all the difference in how you get through it. Or even if you get through … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
Take time to open up a little You’ve probably been in a relationship at some time or another where one person needed the other to open up and share what was on their mind. Right? Sure, we’ve all been there. … Read the rest
Things are bad. And how long can it go on? You might have notice a couple of bad things happening in the past few years. Right? Yeah, a couple of bad things every second of every day. There seems to … Read the rest
Time flies away…no matter what Yep, you can take good care of yourself, eat right, get plenty of exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. But no matter how healthy (or sick) you are, time flies away so quickly. There’s nothing you … Read the rest
Two choices are almost never the only choices When someone says you only have two choices to choose from, take a little time to think that through. Very often, the reason they’re telling you that is simply because that’s what … Read the rest
Sacred Grounds: watch your step Some time ago, in America, sacred grounds were a place where you buried your dead…or a special place where you go to connect with the history of your faith. Nowadays, “sacred grounds” is a nomenclature for … Read the rest
Summer Love and its double meaning Our recent warm weather here in Colorado got me thinking back to when I was a young boy, hearing songs on the radio about summer love. Of course, I was too young for them to … Read the rest
Grace Changes Everything Even destruction into construction When you’re gracious to others, many times you’ll discover they appreciate it. Not always, but often. It’s just a simple matter of manners. Your grace to them can break down barriers of belief, … Read the rest
You Gotta Face Facts But when you face facts, make sure they’re the true facts…not merely someone else’s skewed interpretation. Yesterday I wrote about seeking wise counsel. It’s important to know that wise counsel is getting more and more difficult to … Read the rest
Life Love Loss – Sound familiar? Every human being who was ever born, is being born now, or will be born will experience these same three things: Life Love Loss. Obviously if you were born and you’re reading this now, … Read the rest
A Little and a Lot Sometimes they can be the same thing Have you ever met someone whose needs were completely met with almost nothing? I met someone like that way back in 1978. She told me how she’d just … Read the rest
How many more times will I write about Truth and Life? Well, how many more times will anyone read? Or listen? And will anyone care if and when I stop writing? The reason I’m being so outwardly introspective today is…I … Read the rest