I love the music and memory connection My friend, Brian, and I were talking about starting to sing in front of a group of people and realizing you don’t remember the first words. He told me this happened to him … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
Talk about a very good feeling Imagine yourself in God’s shoes for a minute. Back at the time of creation. Those very first six days when He created Heaven and Earth. And everything in them. You’re looking down at it … Read the rest
Heart throb of the 80s Yeah, I played music for a living back in the 80’s. A bit before that, and a long time after that, too. But those 80’s were a ton of fun. Straight ahead beats. Bright colors … Read the rest
Is positive reinforcement always positive? Earlier today we were out running errands. And at a traffic light we saw a lady and her dog stop to wait for the green. She looked down at the cute little dude, and he … Read the rest
I captured some moments in time I’ve mentioned before how I spent a year of prolific songwriting in Nashville. It was back in 1992-93. And I was under the mistaken impression that record companies were always looking for something new. … Read the rest
Who’s singing songs of love? Most recording artists aren’t singing songs of love anymore. Because most of them don’t even know what true love is anymore. And that’s sad. But not surprising. After all…where in the world can they learn … Read the rest
Someday One Day Today is a mighty big day here in the FunderBungalow. Elgielene and I celebrate 30 years of marriage. Yes, to each other. I know some of my knucklehead friends who’d scarcely miss a chance to take a … Read the rest
A twist on love and reason Here we are about to finish up the first week of February in 2020. And all you gotta do is go to the grocery store and you’ll know what the next “holiday” is. Yeah, … Read the rest
The thrills are alive with the Sound of Music You might recall (then again you might not because it was a long time ago.) back in 1965 there was a movie musical called “The Sound of Music.” It starred Julie … Read the rest
A sleepy-eyed bon fide wee hours wanderer At 2:45 this morning I bumbled out of bed, as I do most every morning, and made my way into the kitchen. An issue I’ve been dealing with, for the past couple of … Read the rest
Another hit from the extraordinary playlist in life Right at this minute I can’t think of where I saw it. But recently, somewhere on my computer, or my tablet, or my phone, an ad popped up at the top. It … Read the rest
Once there was a Satellite song… I’m a bit vague on what the news story was. After all, it was 30 years ago. But I remember something in the news on TV about something in space. And I had been … Read the rest