Happy Resurrection Sunday 2020 As I do every year, I’m gonna share my song, The Way, with a link to the video I made way back in 2011. And I’d like to think maybe somebody, who’s not already a Christian, … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
Sing along songs for little buckaroos Way back in history…all the way back to the early 2000’s…there lived a seasoned songwriter. And he wrote whole collections of sing along songs for kids. Parents from far and near would buy those … Read the rest
Be careful…wishes might come true I talked about this about five years ago. But it’s still just as true as ever. You might be wishing for things to happen. Or not happen. And you might be wishing and hoping for … Read the rest
OK, kids. Who can define the thermodynamics first law? Settle down. Settle down. And Susie, your hand is always up. Let someone else have a turn. Wow, everybody wants to answer. OK, Tommy, tell us. *ahem* “Yes, the thermodynamics first … Read the rest
An old song with a musical interlude Way, way back in my songwriting life, sometimes I’d worked on something “more than just a song.” And now, when I go through my old notebooks, I see how little I remember about … Read the rest
Oh well, what can you do? When I was much younger, I wrote more songs with more questions in them. It hadn’t occurred to me before. But I was looking at some lyric files, today, and I saw that pattern … Read the rest
Yes, music does me good. And you? Whenever I’ve gone through a rough patch in life. Anytime I’ve spent hours, days, or even weeks alone. And basically during any part of life’s up’s and down’s, music was there. And I … Read the rest
Warning: Flirt Alert They used to be called philanderers. Or maybe you’ve heard ’em called a Casanova, a Don Juan, or Lothario. And more recently you might’ve heard terms like ladies’ man, playboy, or stud. Way back when, you could’ve heard: skirt-chaser, tomcat, and wolf. Whichever … Read the rest
Analog zone of my own OK, here’s my phone. Now, let’s see. Settings: General: software update. No, not in there. OK, Settings: Wi-Fi. And it’s not in there. Where would it be? Control center? No. Accessibility? No. And it’s not … Read the rest
Music and math – it all adds up Way back in my school choir days I remember how much I enjoyed when we started learning about music dynamics. Because dynamics give music so much more emotion and depth. And in … Read the rest
Music is dead – yeah, right I was about to do a little research on the Wizard of Google. So, I clicked into the search bar and started typing “music is…” And before I could type anything else, Google delivered … Read the rest
Music is communication of choice by your friendly neighborhood RhymeTender To say music is communication is a bit like saying water is wet. Of course it is! But it’s not simple yada yada communication. Because music is the way people … Read the rest