So-called Black Friday deals are popping up in online advertisements everywhere. And if you still watch “regular” TV (we don’t here in the FunderBungalow), you’re probably seeing tons of them, too. And there is so much subtle and blatant hypocrisy … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
My eloquence is subdued, tainted, and watered down by the second law of thermodynamics and a public school education. But I take heart in knowing that so is yours. Just kidding (a bit). But it’s true that we’re generally all … Read the rest
They might not be household names you’ve ever heard. But if you’ve lived more than a couple of decades, you’ve probably heard them. And is it just me, or do those old Motown songs still make you wanna dance, too? … Read the rest
Just because it’s already been done doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do it. And maybe you could even do it better. “It” isn’t the same thing for everybody. But “it”, for me, is music. So, I love to hear … Read the rest
When I was a full time road musician, I had to include country music in my repertoire so I could get more bookings. And I’ve never made it a secret that country music isn’t my favorite. But there are classics … Read the rest
For some strange reason, and I have no idea why, an old English nursery rhyme and song has been playing over and over in my head. If you’ve been on the planet longer than a couple of decades (maybe much … Read the rest
I remember a line from a movie, but I don’t remember which movie, that applies to current events. And if you remember which movie this came from, let me know, and I’ll be sure to share that update and give … Read the rest
Hey ladies and gents. Kids of all ages. It’s time to play Beat The Clock and make your mark for all time. And this is the game where the stakes are high, the prizes are free, and losers never get … Read the rest
Let’s jump into my virtual time machine and zoom back to the third quarter of the twentieth century. As the years zoom past the concave, heat resistant time machine windows, notice the fashion and hairstyle changes. And the cars starting … Read the rest
What’s your idea of a perfect vacation or relaxing getaway? Yeah, I’m talking about that in October. So what. It’s a way to keep the warm glow of summer glowing just a little longer. Not buying it? Well, nevertheless, maybe … Read the rest
I hope you’re not rockin the boat today. Because the world has enough troublemakers without you chimin’ in. And if you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about, then you probably shouldn’t even be reading this. Because you just won’t understand. … Read the rest
It feels like I’ve written 1800 notes to my friends. And maybe that’s because this is my 1800th article here on And, believe it or not, isn’t my first website, even though it’s 12 1/2 years old. Plus, … Read the rest