It’s funny. But I thought about this in the wee hours of the morning, today. And then it came up again in another topic. So, I guess I’m just gonna go ahead and tie it in with something I’ve been … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
I’ve kept a huge amount of my writing in spiral notebooks. And I probably gave away just about as much of my work as I kept in those notebooks. And then, there’s a significant amount of it that disappeared due … Read the rest
Doubt and worry. Yeah, they show up, a lot, when guys and girls first experience “love.” Because, when you’re young, with a brain full of crazy ideas, and a body full of hyped-up hormones, you don’t tend to make the … Read the rest
I was thinking, earlier today, about how someone who knew me 30 years ago (or more) might come to my website and wonder if it’s really me. Because back then I had very long hair, played secular music for a … Read the rest
Way back in ’92-’93 I made the songwriters-in-the-round circuit in Nashville. Yeah, the one in Tennessee. And about 10 years ago, I shared a quick story about one of those nights when I sang a roses song. This is how … Read the rest
There are different ideas about where the phrase originated. Face the music. But most people know it means you’re gonna have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Yeah, do bad stuff, and you’re gonna have to face the … Read the rest
🎶 People get ready. There’s a train a-coming. You don’t need no baggage. You just get on board. All you need is faith to hear the diesels humming. Don’t need no ticket. You just thank the Lord. 🎶 Yeah, those are lyrics to the old Curtis … Read the rest
Once again I read a post, by a well-known social media person, who blamed God for bad stuff. And once again, it’s another person who thinks “God is in control” of even something like back problems. This person, like far … Read the rest
Here in the Northern hemisphere, today is the longest day of the year. At least in daylight hours. Yep, that means the days start getting shorter starting tomorrow. It’s funny how some people hate to hear that. So, of course, … Read the rest
Just in case you haven’t noticed, the world is full of mean people and bad stuff. Nations are at war…all the time. Political parties are in constant power struggles. Murder is consistently at epidemic levels. And man-made pandemics are all … Read the rest
Good people, everywhere, want the bad stuff in this world to be over. They wanna see the end of night. The final curtain on this world of cold, darkened hearts. And it’s no wonder. Because the darkness, this seemingly endless … Read the rest
They say ignorance is bliss. Who are they? And why do they say that? But never mind all that right now. There’s one way ignorance will be anything but bliss. Because you won’t be able to plead ignorance when you … Read the rest