A few days ago, I shared a little backstory to some lyrics by a friend of mine. Cristina also wrote more lyrics that she sent me to look over. And I liked how she described some of the glorious, intangible … Read the rest
Category Archives: Words and Music
A couple of days ago I watched a short TV interview. I found it through a link someone shared on a social media channel. And the interview was between a couple of guys who were talking about the murder rates … Read the rest
When things get dark there’s still a spark
After talking about my former pastor, yesterday, I thought about how that story ties in nicely with what I’d like to share with you now. And it’s about what happens when things get dark. Because when things get dark is … Read the rest
I used to be an avid runner. And I’ve mentioned before (here on the website and in the podcast) how I ran miles and miles and miles a week. Even entered the famous Peach Tree Road Race in Atlanta, Georgia … Read the rest
I’m a dwelling place. And that’s not a typo. I didn’t mean to say I have a dwelling place. I said what I meant. And I meant what I said. But when I think of me as a dwelling place, … Read the rest
What I’m talkin’ about, right now, is a far cry from free love. That’s a whole ‘nother story. And maybe I’ll talk about it some time in the near future. But, for now, I’m talkin’ about love freely given. Because … Read the rest
“To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them? Yeah, ol’ … Read the rest
In 1975 I worked in a disco. Just writing those words sounds crazy to me now. But it’s true. At that time, disco music was big. And if you don’t know what disco was, then you might be too young … Read the rest
“I’m a man of means, by no means…King of the Road.” Roger Miller recorded that song back in 1964. And I remember hearing it on the radio in my Dad’s car. To this day I can probably sing along with … Read the rest
I’m a big fan of rhythm. In the motion of living and non-living creations. And in music. And even down to syllables in words. That’s because rhythm is more than beats. It’s movement. A syncopated representation of life itself. And … Read the rest
If you’ve followed my blog or podcast for a while, you know I’m not a country music fan. And I could share a long list of songs that illustrate why I say that. But sure enough, somebody’s feelings would get … Read the rest
Several friends of mine were diagnosed with something called “covid.” I’m not sure what that is. If you’ve heard anything about, would you fill me in? And one of the friends had to deal with the issue mainly in her … Read the rest